Federal Grand Jury Investigation of Boss Coia?

As reported in the last issue, the Laborers Int’l Union of No. Am.’s “internal reform effort” whitewashed its investigation of LIUNA boss Arthur A. Coia, and the Dep’t of Justice finally showed some signs of disbelief that LIUNA could reform itself. Shortly thereafter, new information was disclosed at a Mar. 11 news conference held by Dep. Atty. Gen. Eric Holder. An unidentified reporter asked Holder:

“One of his findings of fact in the ruling is that Mr. Coia avoided $42,000 worth of federal taxes. But he goes on to say that’s not a felony that’s within his province to investigate.  But it has been presented to your people in the Justice Department, and reportedly it’s been presented to a grand jury in Boston. What can you tell us about that case? Are you going to indict Mr. Coia?”

This is the first news that Coia may be under a federal grand jury investigation. Holder dodged specifics but reiterated DOJ’s “disappointment” with LIUNA’s Coia report.