Independent Rev. Bd. Forces IBT Takeover of NY Local

Following a recommendation by the court-appointed Independent Review Board (IRB), The Intl. Bhd. of Teamsters Dan Kane, Sr. to take over a corrupt NY local on an emergency basis.

The takeover of the 4,000 member Local 456 comes less than a month after the union’s frmr. business mgr., Richard Jedlicka, was arrested on charges that he extorted no-show jobs from a construction company in 1996 And ‘97. Roy Barnes, the lawyer for Local 456, insisted that the IRB’s charges had nothing to do with the Jedlicka case. But neither could he say what the IRB was charging against Local officials.

This is the second time that the IRB has tried to clean up the local union. In 1999, the IRB concluded that then-local president Edward Doyle Sr. with taking a $2,000 bribe. He resigned, but his brother, Bernard, was promptly elected to replace him, and his son, Edward Jr., was elected secy.-treasurer. And while Kane is presently in charge as trustee of Local 456, union lawyer Barnes pointed out that none of the current officers, or any of the Exec. Board’s seven members have been suspended.

IBT spokesman Brett Caldwell said that the IBT will appoint a three-member panel that will hold a hearing on the charges within 60 days. If that IBT panel upholds the charges, then the local officers will be ousted, and new elections held. [Journal-News 1/8/03]

Ex-Ky. President Sentenced for Using Union Funds to Pay for Car
Kenneth Stacy was sentenced on Jan. 10 to one yr. of probation for embezzling $10,360 from Local 651 of the Intl. Bhd. of Teamsters. Stacy had pled guilty on Sept. 26 to using the funds to pay off the lease on his personal car. Fed. prosecutors said Stacy had already made restitution to the union. He will also serve four months of home detention and pay a fine of $10,000. He is also barred from serving as a union officer for 13 yrs. [WKYT TV 1/10/03]