GM Boosts Lobbying; Hires Bailout Specialists

GM lobbying chartPart 2: GM by the Numbers

From the 1st quarter through the 4th quarter of 2010, GM’s lobbying expenses more than doubled from $1.8 million to $3.89 million – a 113% increase.  After all, when the government is your largest shareholder, your company execs will inevitably be spending an inordinate amount of time cozying up to Washington politicians.

Moreover, GM’s lobbyist team reads like a who’s who of the government bailout business.  And why wouldn’t it? When you’re lobbying Washington to privatize gains for your clients and socialize their losses among taxpayers, you hire those firms with the most experience representing other notorious companies that received massive bailouts by U.S. taxpayers – Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Goldman Sachs, AIG and others.

GM’s Lobbying Bench – Reported income from other government bailout recipients

The Duberstein Group: $600,000 in lobbying for Fannie Mae and $2.3 million for Goldman Sachs

Dutko Worldwide: $359,000 in lobbying for AIG

Public Strategies: $900,000 in lobbying for Fannie Mae and $960,000 of lobbying for Freddie Mac

The Nickles Group: $840,000 in lobbying for AIG

Davis & Harman: $1.48 million in lobbying for Merrill Lynch

Bob Moss Associates: $470,000 in lobbying for Freddie Mac

Clark Lytle & Geduldig: $360,000 in lobbying for Fannie Mae and $240,000 from Goldman Sachs

Source: Senate Lobby Disclosure Reports


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